The basic kinds of profiles of standard section
For the present moment we have the opportunity to manufacture wire mesh filters and slotted screen from various profiles of standard section. In addition on the basis of proven technology we are ready to manufacture the goods from other kinds of profiles.
addition, basic profiles V 15, V20, V25, V35, V40, 28Sb, 34Sb, 42Sb can be used as stiffeners. |
The basic kinds of profiles of standard section
The important parameter of the slotted screen is a gap factor. The area of sifting surface a a=S/(S + B) x 100%, where B- width of profile according to the table of profiles S – width of a slot;
The high gap factor and wear resistance parameters of screen are by selection of · proper sizes of profile wires; · proper sizes of carrier wires; · geometrical parameters of profiles; · quality of the material.